There are a lot of reasons why fibre should form a regular part of your daily diet. If it's something you currently do not eat a lot of, it may just be worth your while to up your fibre intake. The European Food Safety Authority suggests that including fibre rich foods in a healthy balanced diet can improve weight maintenance, which is ideal when you're on a weight loss programme and when you are finishing that programme.

The Benefits of Fibre:
Better sense of satisfaction
Foods high in fibre require more chewing. It makes you eat more slowly, which in combination with the benefits of chewing, makes your brain feel more satisfied.
Less risk of breast cancer
The fibres cleanse your body of toxins by drawing them together and letting them pass quickly out of your system. Studies have shown it reduces the risk of certain cancers, including breast cancer. Any reduction in risk is worth it.
Stronger immune system
The bacteria in your gut absolutely loves fibre, so they multiply quicker and give off more energy. The result is a stronger guy flora with a strengthened immune system.
General fullness
Fibre absorbs a lot of water and swells, making your stomach much fuller than normal. The result is greater satiety without adding in those extra calories! So make sure if you're upping your fibre, also up your fluid intake.
Better digestion
The indigestible fibres search out the intestinal walls so that the intestinal contents are passed through the intestinal tract quicker. The result is a more productive & efficient digestive system, including helping you go to the toilet more regularly.
Lower cholesterol
Dietary fibre foods like oatmeal and rye form an aqueous gel which binds to so-called "bile salts" in the intestines. It initiates a process in the liver that lowers blood cholesterol. This in turn helps reduce your risk of cardiovascular diseases such as strokes or heart attacks.
More stable blood sugars
Fibre-rich food is absorbed more slowly from the stomach to the intestine and then into the blood stream. This means you get a more stable blood sugar when you fill up on fibre. No crazy sugar highs or sudden sugar crashes - helping to reduce your risk of developing Type II Diabetes.
So what foods are rich in fibre?
There are a mixture of foods high in fibre, with the biggest groups being:
Wholegrain breakfast cereals.
Wholewheat pasta.
Wholegrain bread.
Oats, barley and rye.
Fruit such as berries, pears, melon and oranges.
Vegetables such as broccoli, carrots and sweetcorn.
Peas, beans and pulses.
Nuts and seeds.
Swapping some of your normal foods for high-fibre food will benefit your mind & body in the long run. Try making small changes & swaps gradually every other day or every week to see if you can up your fibre. Then hopefully you will start to see the benefits!
Thanks for reading,
The Slim Transformation Team
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